Hello! As Bothwell Middle School Counselors, we work with students on academic goals, personal development, managing social situations, and in exploring options for the future. We are here to help our students feel happy and safe so they can find their success in school. We look forward to working with you throughout your middle school years!
BMS Counselor (Last Names L-Z)
BMS Counselor (Last names A-M)
BMS School Counselors are available to students and parents via email, by phone, or in person with an appointment. Please contact your Counselor at the email address above. Counselors will reply within 24 hours, Monday-Friday. If you need more immediate assistance, please consult the list of area resources below. We also invite you to our Google Classroom where you can find links to provide help with concerns, resources for relaxing and dealing with stress, and other helpful information; Google Classroom code is ow6dnz4.
STUDENTS: To request an appointment with your School Counselor, you may send an email, fill out an appointment request form in the Office, or leave a phone message. An appointment pass will be sent to you as soon as possible. Generally we schedule appointments within 1 school day of receiving your request.
Need to talk with your School Counselor outside of school hours? You are welcome to leave messages on our voicemail OR email us if you need to share information or request help at times when you are not in school. Please note, however, we may not be able to respond within 1 day.
PARENTS: Parents and Guardians interested in meeting with their child's Guidance Counselor are encouraged to call or email for an appointment. School Counselors can also help with questions about 504 accommodations.
Parents interested in scheduling a Parent/Teacher Conference should contact their child's teacher/s directly.
Information for Parents & Students -- Choose a link below to find out more!